After Submitting An Affidavit

Close-up of hand signing affidavit paper with pen

You’ve completed your affidavit, had it notarized, and submitted it to the appropriate party. But what happens next? What should you expect after submitting an affidavit? In this article, we’ll explore the next steps in the process and provide some tips for what to do after your affidavit has been filed.

What Happens After an Affidavit is Filed?

After you have submitted your affidavit, the party receiving it will review the document and determine if it meets their requirements. If there are any issues or missing information, they may reach out to you for clarification or request that you make corrections.

Once the affidavit is deemed acceptable, it will be filed and become part of the official record. This means that the information contained in your affidavit will be considered as evidence in any legal proceedings related to the matter.

Notarization and Sworn Statements

One of the key steps in submitting an affidavit is having it notarized. This means that a notary public has verified your identity and witnessed you signing the document. This adds an extra layer of credibility to your affidavit and ensures that it will be accepted as a sworn statement.

A sworn statement is a written statement made under oath, and notarization is a way to legally confirm that the statement is true and accurate. This is important because it means that you could face legal consequences if the information in your affidavit is found to be false.

What to Do After Submitting an Affidavit

Once your affidavit has been filed, there are a few things you can do to ensure that the process goes smoothly and that your affidavit is used effectively.

Keep a Copy for Your Records

It’s always a good idea to keep a copy of your affidavit for your own records. This way, if you need to refer back to it in the future, you will have a copy readily available. You can also use this copy to compare against the filed version to ensure that no changes were made without your knowledge.

Follow Up with the Receiving Party

If you haven’t heard back from the receiving party within a reasonable amount of time, it’s a good idea to follow up with them. This will ensure that your affidavit was received and that there are no issues with it. It also shows that you are taking the matter seriously and are invested in the outcome.

Be Prepared to Testify

Sworn statement

In some cases, the party receiving your affidavit may request that you testify in court or in a legal proceeding. This is why it’s important to make sure that the information in your affidavit is accurate and truthful. If you are called to testify, you will be asked to swear under oath that the information in your affidavit is true and correct.

Tips for Writing an Effective Affidavit

To ensure that your affidavit is accepted and used effectively, here are some tips for writing an effective affidavit:

Be Clear and Concise

When writing your affidavit, it’s important to be clear and concise. Use simple language and avoid using technical jargon or complex terms. This will make it easier for the receiving party to understand and will ensure that your message is not lost in translation.

Include All Relevant Information

Make sure to include all relevant information in your affidavit. This includes dates, names, and any other details that are important to the matter at hand. Providing as much information as possible will make your affidavit more credible and useful.

Be Honest and Accurate

As mentioned earlier, it’s crucial to be honest and accurate when writing an affidavit. Remember, you are making a sworn statement, and any false information could have legal consequences. Take the time to review your affidavit and make sure that all information is truthful and accurate.

Use a Template or Seek Legal Advice

If you are unsure of how to write an affidavit, there are many templates available online that can guide you through the process. You can also seek legal advice to ensure that your affidavit meets all necessary requirements and is written effectively.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When writing an affidavit, there are some common mistakes that you should avoid to ensure that your affidavit is accepted and used effectively.

Not Including All Relevant Information

One of the most common mistakes is not including all relevant information in the affidavit. This can lead to confusion and may result in your affidavit being rejected or not used in the intended manner. Make sure to include all necessary details to avoid this mistake.

Using Biased or Emotional Language

It’s important to remain objective when writing an affidavit. Avoid using biased or emotional language, as this can undermine the credibility of your statement. Stick to the facts and avoid inserting your personal opinions or feelings.

Not Reviewing for Accuracy

Before submitting your affidavit, make sure to review it for accuracy. This includes checking for spelling and grammar errors, as well as ensuring that all information is truthful and accurate. A simple mistake could have serious consequences, so it’s important to take the time to review your affidavit carefully.


Submitting an affidavit is an important step in many legal proceedings. By understanding what happens after an affidavit is filed and following some simple tips, you can ensure that your affidavit is accepted and used effectively. Remember to be honest, accurate, and clear in your writing, and always seek legal advice if you are unsure of any aspect of the process. With these tips in mind, you can confidently submit an affidavit and contribute to the legal process.